Reinventing TiVo. Carl Malamud wants

Reinventing TiVo. Carl Malamud wants to develop something called NetTopBox, which is basically a cross between TiVo (automatically record shows you're likely to be interested in) and Slashdot (explicitly review and rate otehrs' reviews of programming). Seems silly to me — TiVo's heading in that direction already with their collaborative filter (which is so utterly fantastic, I could swoon, for example, my TiVo nabbed me "Emmet Otter's Jug Band Xmas Special," an old, old, old Jim Henson special, without my having to tell it about it). Why not just work on helping move TiVo to a standards-defined model (Ethernet interface, Divx files, standardized login, etc)? LinkDiscuss (Thanks, Dan!)