Amazing story of a Bay

Amazing story of a Bay Area social worker who scored a fantastic real estate deal ($261K for a two-story, four-bedroom, finished basement, terraced back yard with multiple decks, with a view no less) by buying a former S&M dungeon whose previous owner had been sent to prison for torching his lover.

Perhaps it was the floor-to-ceiling mirrors and orange shag carpet that greeted you at the entrance. Or the urine-colored tiles that covered the stairs and the living room, whose floors slanted toward a drain in the middle of the room. Or the black-felted bedroom with its glow-in-the-dark-crucifix platform bed, perfectly angled for whipping. Or perhaps it was the meth lab, or the pot-growing sun room. Or the "dungeon" in the basement where five years before the former owner had fatally torched his lover.

Or perhaps it was the small things, like the five-gallon can of lubricant, or the collection of penis stretchers, the trapeze, the electronic enema, the little hole allowing someone in the kitchen to watch people in the basement, the names of Satan's helpers spray-painted on walls or the hawk droppings that caked the surfaces of the upstairs bedrooms.

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