Smart Mobs is live!

Howard Rheingold's new book, "Smart Mobs," is coming out next November. It's a hell of a book, about the ways that technology enable groups of people to spontaneously form and coordinate in response to current events — from SMS-enabled Filipiino demonstrations over official censorship to ubiquitous Japanese kids who photograph everything with their DoCoMo phones and post them online all the time.

Howard's site,, is a blog that talks about technology and events that show smart mobs in action.

Interoperability Has Arrived for SMS {Shibuya Epiphany}

What if they had pounded the golden spike into the continental railroad and nobody noticed? That is essentially what happened in the United States cellular telephone world last spring. Since April it has been possible for the customers of any of the major United States cellular carriers to send one another short text messages, but most customers still have no idea the service exists.



(Thanks, Howard!)