General Barlow's dancin' platoons planning to boogie at the RNC

General John Perry Barlow continues to plan his mad protest of the RNC in which hundreds of secret agents dressed like civilians will converge on a public, off-limits-to-protestors space, turn on a boom box, and DANCE LIKE HELL:


I have created a text-message "loop" for us on the Ruckus site. It's called "dancemob." This will enable all of us to receive cell phone text messages from one another, noting current platoon location, likely eruption zones, police movements and temperament, etc. In order to participate, you will need to do the following:

— Send the text "join dancemob" to 8762.

— Once you are joined, you can send messages up to about 150 characters to your loop by texting dancemob: [your message here]" to 8762. For instance, if there were a loop named "PeaceMakers", you would text "PeaceMakers: meet now at 32nd and 6th".

In addition, I recommend that at least some of you in each platoon register your phone to receive bulletins from Ruckus with breaking news and logistical updates from the streets of New York City during the RNC.
