RNC-NYC: daily geek protest roundup

riot nrrd sign

A slew of riot nrrd updates from BoingBoing readers about protest, art, and tech mixing at the Republican National Convention in NYC this week.

* Bunnyhero says, "The RNC mobile network, or RNCmobnet, is a moblog dedicated to utilizing the power of the collective cell network during the Republican National Convention demonstrations by enabling mobile postings by just about anybody with a properly enabled mobile device."

* Phil Haack points us to the image shown here, and says, "This is the geekiest protest sign ever — photo taken by a friend in New York." Link to full-size.

* Reader Jeff McHugh loved that "‹/BUSH›" sign so much, he created a shop on cafepress where you can purchase bumper stickers, mugs, and the like. Link

* Eli says, "A group of us are using wearable computers, wifi, and souped up camcorders are doing an interactive web and tv broadcast tonight of the RNC. We have one crew inside MSG near the bloggers and three crews in the streets. We'll be broadcasting live from 7-7:30 PM EST on MNN in NYC and over the web at Konscious.tv. Participants can watch live streams and chat over the web with camerapeople live while they're shooting. More info here."

* Blogstar Anil Dash tells BoingBoing, "The Village Voice has got a number of new blogs they've been launching, but the most interesting one to me was the diary of a (clothed) cocktail waitress at a strip club — Link. There's only one post up so far, but if she keeps updating, it promises to be the most compelling record of the convention that I've seen."

* And Jon says, "Found "Axis of Eve" via we-make-money-not-art.com be sure to check out this page for some hilarious underwear slogans!"

Axis of Eve, a women's rights group, is planning a 10-minute mass panty flash on Appointment on Wednesday, September 1 to protest the policies of the Bush administration. Over 100 women will flash panties emblazoned with anti-Bush slogans like "give Bush the finger," "cream Bush", "drill Bush, not oil", "Ballot Box," "My Cherry For Kerry," etc."

Fleshbot has more on that one: Link
Previous BB posts about RNC-NYC and protest tech: Barlow's dance protests. DIY coverage. Sterling's prediction. Nationwide scream 09/02. Robocops. Rooftop protest messages. Brooklyn Orgiastic Politics Collective. Bikes Against Bush arrest. First Amendment read-ins. C-SPAN protest video feeds. TXTmob. A TV network-er's photoblog. Protest videos.