QTVR: The Great (Wrong) Star Wars Line of 2005

Link to full-size QTVR pano of the fan-scene outside Grauman's Theater in Hollwyood, where the forthcoming release of Star Wars is not expected to play. (Thanks, Hans Nyberg). See also this MP3 audio interview with one of the line participants, over at blogging.la: Link

Update: Boing Boing reader Andrew says:

Hi there, I don't know if it's been pointed out or not, but on a recent repeat of the Simpsons, Otto was in the wrong line for a Star Wars film (he was in line for "The Momentum of Things" i believe). I'm wondering if this isn't some Simpsons inspired post modern joke. I don't know the name of the episode though.

BB reader Mike says:

Reader Andrew mentioned the Simpsons episode where Otto is in the wrong queue for Cosmic Wars – It's an episode called Co-Dependents Day from Season 15. You'll find an mp3 of what happens when he asks for the ticket here: FTP Link