Photography: Michael Garlington

The work of photographer Michael Garlington has been described as "'David Lynch meets Leave it to Beaver." Snip from description of show currently on display at Stephen Cohen Gallery in Los Angeles:

Garlington tours the country in his "Photo Car" – literally a Volkswagen covered with his photographs. He shoots portraits of whatever speaks to him – from a contortionist to a fast food worker, from the disabled to a young patriot, his work is about ordinary Americans leading ordinary lives, yet there is something awry. Inside the work is a deeply felt affection for humanity in all its permutations and expressions, in all its horror and triviality. The resulting body of work offers a critical, offbeat, and humorous view of the United States –a portrait of the "belly of the whale."

Garlington is currently working on a series of California-Mexican working families living in trailers, struggling for a piece of a promised dream, and is planning his fourth cross-county photo expedition in 2005.

Link to show info, and here you will find more info about the photographer, his work, and his art-car: Link. Good god this is an incredible image right here (worksafe): Link (via indienudes)