Law firm fires clerk for personal opposition to DRM

Fred sez, "Last week, Free Culture @ NYU's president, Inga Chernyak was fired from her legal clerk job at an intellectual property law firm in midtown New York. The reason? Her opinions on DRM differed from those of her employer's. During her final meeting with HR at the firm, Inga was read the recent Village Voice article which featured an interview with her about her DRM activism and Free Culture @ NYU. Though she was reassured her rights to her opinions and to free speech, she was told she could no longer work at the firm because her views were incompatbile with what the firm did. Read on for the full story, and wonder if there really is free speech about DRM."

As an active member of, and the president of the NYU chapter, I feel both obligated and prepared to stand behind the organization's stance on where copyright is headed, and where it should be. I can not, in good conscience, renounce my beliefs in the hopes of gaining a rung on the corporate ladder.


(Thanks, Fred!)