Mind control book and Cheney's hunting accident

Trance-Formation of America is a bizarre 1995 "autobiography of a victim of government mind control" that you'll see referenced a lot among the tinfoil beanie conspiracy theory set. Today, Jeff Long posted about a particularly interesting bit from the book. From Trance-Formation of America, self-published by Cathy O'Brien in September 1995:

Dick Cheney, then [assistant] White House Chief of Staff to President Ford…was the reason my family had travelled to Wyoming where I endured yet another form of brutality – his version of "A Most Dangerous Game," or human hunting…. Dick Cheney had an apparent addiction to the "thrill of the sport." He appeared obsessed with playing A Most Dangerous Game as a means of traumatizing mind control victims, as well as to satisfy his own perverse sexual kinks.

Link to Jeff Wells's post, Link to CNN article "Hunter wounded by Cheney 'doing well'" (Thanks, Phil Torrone!)