Acetylene filled balloon blows up inside car

On Notes from the Technology Underground, Bill Gurstelle reports that a 46-year-old Wyoming Colorado man did something foolish with a big balloon and some welding gas.

200602231526 All the windows were blown out, the vehicle doors were bent towards the outside and the roof was pushed about a foot higher than normal. [The occupants said] that they were taking a balloon to a Super Bowl party — a balloon filled with acetylene, a very explosive gas used in welding — so they could blow up the balloon while celebrating. However, on the drive, the balloon rolled across the back seat, possibly causing static electricity, and igniting the gas, causing it to explode.The couple said a passer-by gave them a ride home. Deputies called in an ambulance, who took the couple to Swedish Medical Center for possible shrapnel wounds and broken eardrums. Norman Frey, 46, faces a charge of possession, use, or removal of explosives or incendiary devices. He faces two to six years in prison.
