CBS pulls an NBC on YouTube — autistic b'ball player clip pulled

Anonymous BoingBoing reader says,

YouTube user "aretired" posted a clip from Thursday's CBS Evening News showcasing Jason McElwain, the autistic highschool basketball player who scored 6-3 pointers in the final four minutes of the game. The video clip shot up to #15 in alltime viewings on YouTube with 1.5 million hits in just three days — then, it was suddenly and inexplicably pulled.

User "aretired" reposted the clip and was again pulled within a day, still no explanations.

CBS sent DMCA complaints for not just that McElwain clip, but all 11 of the user's other CBS-related clips that had up till now gone fairly unnoticed, by anyone. And, despite their huffing and puffing and pulling over a 2-minute feel-good piece of the year, you can still catch your fill of Oprah, Letterman, Degeneres, Dr. Phil and other CBS content at YouTube.

And, I'd add, at other popular user-submitted video-sharing sites.
Here is a mirror to online video for the enormously popular CBS segment on Jason McElwain (wmv).

Reader comment: Gaynelle Grover says

As the parent of autistic identical twins who play on an NJB basketball team, I found this story incredibly moving. I wasn't alone. The link to the spot on YouTube made it's way around various autism online discussion groups–and undoubtedly disappointed many when it was pulled.

However, you might let readers know it's available on Google Video: Link

Reader comment: Anonymous says:

hbo's real sports ran an almost identical story last year on a special ed student that got in a game and knocked down some 3s. watching the CBS piece was like watching a rerun. Link