Di Filippo's story "Little Worker" as a podcast

Today the Escape Pod podcast included a wonderful short story by Paul Di Filippo, a consistently great science fiction writer. The story is "Little Worker" and it's pure gold Di Filippo, a reprint from his collection of bio-punk stories Ribofunk The reading by Jonathon Sullivan is likewise stellat. Escape Pod features some great fiction, but with this story, they've really gone to a new level. Bravo!

At home, Little Worker could do pretty much as she pleased, as long as she was there should Mister Michael need her. At the office-and in other public places-she had to be more circumspect and diligent. Little Worker was on duty her, in a way that was more intense than behind the electrified fence and active sensors of the estate. (Once, one of the men at the Training School had said: "Little Worker, you are the most diligent companion I've ever trained." The men of the school had been nice, in their stern way. But no one was like Mister Michael.)

Today, however, Little Worker's mind was not on her work.

(Thanks, Bazooka Joe!)

Update: Here's an interview with Di Filippo from the Small World podcast — thanks, Bazooka Joe!