Bigfoot In Texas? exhibition

Over at Cryptomundo, Loren Coleman posts some random notes from his visit to the "Bigfoot In Texas?" exhibit in San Antonio. Running until July 30 at the University of Texas San Antonio's Institute of Texan Cultures, the exhibition and lecture series is a collaboration with the Texas Bigfoot Research Center. From Loren's post:

 Wp-Content Bigfootmask
Going into the main hall of the Bigfoot exhibition, one is immediately struck by how, well, "museum-quality" it appears. There are display cases filled with replica skulls of Gigantopithecus and gorilla, the famed British Columbian carved stone head and foot bowl of Sasquatch, a Chehalis First Nations Sasquatch mask from British Columbia, and descriptive panels all around discussing hairy hominoids.

Link to Cryptomundo post, Link to Bigfoot In Texas?