Blasts kill hundreds in Mumbai: local bloggers react

Contributors on the Mumbai metblog and other local sites are posting media, timelines, and their reactions to the explosions that killed and injured hundreds today. Mumbai metblogger Selma Mirza writes:

There are injured and dead people lying on the tracks. No police in the picture, no fire brigades. Its the local people, the shopkeepers and the people wo live close to the house who are coming into help. Carrying bodies both alive and dead in bedhseets. Some tiny bundles, perhaps with limbs within, or maybe children. (…)

Whom were you trying to target? The working class men who struggle for an inch of space in local trains? The working women who knit and cut vegetables in trains on their way home? Young, dreamy students discussing exams and love? The babies accompanying their mothers, smiling back at the women around them?
