The High Cost of Free Parking

Seth A. says:

Donald Shoup, professor at UCLA, will be speaking about his book "The High Price of Free Parking" at U.C. Berkeley on Friday. Shoup estimates "the cost of all parking spaces in the U.S. exceeds the value of all cars and may even exceed the value of all roads." He also contends that the cost of free parking gets passed on to all consumers, including the poorest of society. His talk is bound get people thinking about our addiction to free parking and car-oriented politics.


Reader comment:

Kendra says:

I saw your post about Donald Shoup's "High Cost of Free Parking."

His talk is being sponsored by TRANSOC — the Graduate Student organization for the Institute of Transportation Studies. There is a reception before hand, "Cookie Hour", hosted by TRANSOC and the ITS Library. It'll be at 412 McLaughlin Hall from 3:30-4:00. People mingle about talking about transrpotation and eat home baked cookies, brownies, and cupcakes.

I work for the library and am baking vegan cupcakes for the event. It was weird to see it on boing boing.