IT Crowd cross-stitch

Justin sez, "Thank you for introducing me to The IT Crowd. My wife (Beth Garrison) made a cross-stitch as a little tribute to the show. It is an 8×8 image using 3 colors and screen shots from the intro of the show."

The IT Crowd is my all-time favorite geek TV show — a sitcom about sysadmins, written by Graham Linehan, the genius behind Father Ted.


(Thanks, Justin!)

See also:
IT Crowd DVD has subtitles in leet
The IT Crowd — the geek comedy I've been waiting for all my life
Episode 3 of The IT Crowd is available for download
New episode of The IT Crowd, awesome sysadmin sitcom
Episode six of awesome sysadmin sitcom The IT Crowd is downloadable
HOWTO stream The IT Crowd from outside the UK
Dance remix of The IT Crowd theme
The IT Crowd episode four is up for Britons who use DRM
Fan t-shirt for The IT Crowd
Homebrew IT Crowd ringtone
HOWTO Download sysadmin sitcom from Father Ted creator