Felten and Halderman on high-def DRM crack

Princeton DRM UR-scholars Alex Halderman and Ed Felten have begun an examination of the recent crack of AACS, the anti-user system in Blu-Ray and HD-DVD. They promise to go into great depth on what the crack means and where it will go next:

Typical users can't extract title keys on their own, so BackupHDDVD won't be useful to them as it currently stands – hence the claims that BackupHDDVD is a non-event.

But the story isn't over. BackupHDDVD is the first step in a process that will eviscerate AACS. In the next post, we'll talk about what will come next.


See also:
Report: HD-DVD copy protection defeated
Felten's paper on the complexities of Network Neutrality
Felten on Sony's rootkit-"remover"
Ed Felten to dissect HDCP crippleware for video
Princeton researchers show how to steal an election with Diebold machines
Felten's blog classed as "hacking" site by firewall
Ed Felten's lecture: "Rip, Mix, Burn, Sue" — UPDATED
Felten's Grand Unified Theory of Filesharing
Princeton DRM researchers release Sony debacle paper