Goatse iPod case

Artwork for a concept iPod skin with a familiar Internet shock-meme motif.
JPEG Link, Wikipedia's safe-for-work Goatse page

See also:
Captain Copyright commits goatse, unattributed trademark use
Goatse tribute page
Proud owner poses with GOATSE license plate
Goatse fights for your WiFi privacy: GOATSEPEG
Flickr set of people seeing Goatse photo for the first time
Unintentionally Goatse-esque finger ring
Goatse Valentine
GOATSE t-shirt in the NYT
Goatse polo shirt
Goatse t-shirt design
Carousel Goatse
Goatses in the media
Hidden Goatse in Unreal Tournament 2004
Cthulhu meets Goatse
I Goatse'd Ron Jeremy
Goatse.cx taken offline
Goatse casemod
Persistence-of-vision bike spoke Goatse