Goatse stickers

Goatsestickers sells, well, stickers of the hands of the infamous "GOATSE" man, suitable for putting alongside the edges of any round design or object in your life for sheer net.hilarity.


Wikipedia's safe-for-work Goatse page

See also:
Goatse iPod case
Captain Copyright commits goatse, unattributed trademark use

Goatse tribute page
Proud owner poses with GOATSE license plate
Goatse fights for your WiFi privacy: GOATSEPEG
Flickr set of people seeing Goatse photo for the first time
Unintentionally Goatse-esque finger ring
Goatse Valentine
GOATSE t-shirt in the NYT
Goatse polo shirt
Goatse t-shirt design

Carousel Goatse
Goatses in the media
Hidden Goatse in Unreal Tournament 2004
Cthulhu meets Goatse
I Goatse'd Ron Jeremy
Goatse.cx taken offline
Goatse casemod
Persistence-of-vision bike spoke Goatse

(Thanks, Greg!)