Oh, how I love the gebril macros!


As regular visitors to BoingBoing know, I love the cat macros! And LOLgays, and H.A.M.S.T.E.R.S art, but most of all — gebrils. Here's a new gebril macro. If only we could understand the beautiful language of the animal kingdom! Link to a cute picture hosted on Flickr.

Previously on BoingBoing:

  • The Rats of Spring: "Evil Hamsters," a child's poem

  • Video: cats in things they're not supposed to be in

  • Supremely excellent cat-playing-piano video
  • Cat with 26 toes
  • Cat with a EULA
  • Cat piano
  • Massive cache of kittah pix (aka LOLcats, cat macros)
  • HOWTO make a noble fruit helmet for your cat
  • Adorable cyclops kitten

    Update: Thanks to r. stevens for pointing us to this pic, found floating around on the internets today. Thanks also to the anonymous reader who points us to the source for the original — Flickr user "Seattle Roll," whose stream contains many more hypercute photos: Link. Also, turns out it's a hasmter, not a gebril. Sorry!

    Update 2: Sean Bonner points us to some new LOLsloth pictures! Link.