Tracking UFOs (or photoshopping them) on Flickr

( posted from Guatemala / Xeni ) R. Stevens of Diesel Sweeties fame says,

Have you been following the story about the super clear tiny UFO in California? It's been around for a few weeks on the radio, but seems to finally catching some blog traction! Even if it's fake, it's a neat picture!

Link to blog account which includes links to a Flickr stream with more pix. Image: "May 16, 2007, in Capitola, California. Image © 2007 by rajman1977 at"

Reader comment: Mike Rundle says,

Hey Xeni, here's another site with similar-looking UFO pictures taken by someone else: Link.

And Nicholas Chatfield-Taylor says,

In regards to the supposed UFO in California: The markings on the UFO in this photo seem similar to the markings on Megatron's face from the new Transformers movie.

Chris Wells says,

You may also want to link to the specific flickr account the second set of images came from, and particularly this image which has a lot of discussion on the matter.

Aaron says,

I thought I'd point out the similarity of the writing on the underside
of the UFO's "wings" to the Japanese katakana alphabet (used to write
foreign words and onomatopoeia). Some of the glyphs are straight from
katakana, some are reversed, and some appear to be two glyphs
superimposed. This wouldn't be the first time the Science Fiction
community has borrowed katakana, see the Matrix's digital rain: Link.

courtenay says,

notice that most of the commenters on that flickr page do NOT have any flickr photos .. looks like some kind of sock puppet/astroturf action.