Man in underwear wrestles leopard

Arthur Du Mosch, 49, of Kibbutz Sde Boker in southern Israel, wrestled a leopard that came in through the window of his home and jumped into his bed while he was sleeping. Apparently, the leopard was ill, making it easier for Du Mosch to restrain it for 20 minutes until park rangers arrived. From the Associated Press:

(Israel Nature and Parks Protection Authority southern district head Raviv( Shapira said it was probably food that lured the big cat. Leopards living near humans are usually too old to hunt in the wild and resort to chasing down domestic dogs and cats for food, he added.

Du Mosch's pet cat was in the bed with him at the time, along with his young daughter who had been frightened by a mosquito in her own room.

Link (Thanks, Sean Ness!)