More stoned cat videos: Baskethead

BoingBoing reader Mary Robinette Kowal, whose amazing typewriter laptop mod we blogged about some weeks ago, writes in to follow up on yesterday's post, "Drunk Astronaut Hall of Fame: cat-stronauts like to get high."

You might also be interested in this short video of my cat, Marlowe,
who likes to wear a basket on his head. It's the all-natural version
of an astronaut's helmet. He started doing this as a kitten on his
own, when the basket would fit over his entire head. Now it's more
like a fencer's mask. We think that he thinks he's invisible.

Youtube Link. I do not, in fact, know whether Marlowe hit the catnip before donning his raffia space helmet, and catnip is not cannabis. I just wanted an excuse to post Towelie next to a cat.