Boing Boing tv: Paul Allen Telescope Array / Mark and "Boing Box"

In today's edition of Boing Boing tv: Xeni interviews philanthropist, sci-fi fan, aviation enthusiast, and Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen about the $50 million Allen Telescope Array, which advances the search for alien life. We ask if he believes in space aliens, and he answers. And if you would like to know what his favorite space alien movie is, you should definitely watch this episode.

Next, Mark Frauenfelder dons his mad professor garb and teaches you how to make a glorious "boing box," also featured in Make magazine.

You'll notice a bitchun new 8-bit intro animation debuting in this episode, designed by Syd Garon and Adam "Ape Lad" Koford. More info, tonza urls, and Video Link.