Fox News Porn – the prurience of prigs

Fox News Porn is a collection of raunchy outtakes from the Fox "News" Network,
where hypocritical prigs like Bill O'Reilly revel in prurience while condemning
it. This condemnation is largely indistinguishable from a celebration — as when
Sean Hannity visits a brothel and asks snotty, explicit questions of the workers there
while his camera lovingly pans across their bare flesh.

The site is the creation of filmmaker Robert Greenwald, whose documentary
Outfoxed is a masterful takedown of the Murdoch empire. Fox News Porn created a brief but
spectacular net-storm when an overzealous moderator for Digg took the site off
the Digg front page and threatened to suspend Greenwald's account for violating
Digg's Terms of Service. However, a day later, Digg management reversed the
decision. In founder Kevin Rose's words,
"Our fault. Digg on."


(Thanks, Kevin and Pete!)

See also:
For Sale: documentary about profiteering contractors

— WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

Wal-Mart documentary to be shown in houses of worship

War in Iraq torrents under CC license

interviews .torrent for remixing

Talk From Hell" — Salon reviews Outfoxed