Galleries of three wonderful artists: Steranko, Schöffer, Vasarely

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The three most recent posts on The World of Kane showcase the work of comic book artist Jim Steranko, cybernetic art pioneer Nicolas Schöffer, and Op Art creator Victor Vasarely. Mister Kane sure has good taste.

After an early life spent as petty thief, carny worker, magician, escape artist (Inspiring both Jack Kirby's 'Fourth World' character, super-escape artist, Mister Miracle; plus comic book artist Josef Kavalier in Michael Chabon's The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay) and rock 'n' roll guitarist; Steranko entered the world of comics in 1966, working for Joe Simon's Harvey Thriller titles before succeeding Jack Kirby as Nick Fury artist on Marvel Comic's Strange Tales #151 (Dec. 1966).

Steranko, Schöffer, Vasarely