Today at Boing Boing Gadgets


Today at Boing Boing Gadgets we started things off by comparing Heineken to a hobo's micturitions and then helped PR reps identify the optimal manner in which to booze and schmooze us. That accomplished, we felt pretty good about diving into the meatier posts of the day… but since we didn't have any of those, we instead posted about a cute transistor radio in the shape of an owl and some adorable Space Invaders lamps.

Joel's Lego-spelt-LEGO fixation continued as he openly pined for some LunaBlocks, giant LEGO-like furniture bricks. He also marveled at the incredible story of a Silicon Valley exec who maintained a warehouse full of ecstasy, cocaine and meth before being taken down by Robocop in a swirl of talc. Six cheap camcorders were also compared, despite the fact that none of the cheap tat cams work any better than a digicam.

Meanwhile, Brownlee — through an incredible series of events that quite frankly defies transcription — somehow discovered a Soviet synthesizer capable of playing the fabled 'brown note'. He also posted about a swank IBM Model M style pocket calculator, only to have ten thousand voices unite in the comments to point out that it's "actually more like an Apple keyboard, doof." They had a point.

Finally, the bread-and-butter stuff: it's looking good that the 3G iPhone will wirelessly sync and Dell's new mini-notebook gets some specs and probably Ubuntu. And there was much exasperation from Beschizza as he fired off a polite British philippic at a gadget industry that can't seem to tell the difference between a UMPC and a subnotebook.
