Today at Boing Boing Gadgets


Today at Boing Boing Gadgets… well, look. We're not going to lie to you. If you hate Apple and its products, today at Boing Boing Gadgets was your own personal

I mean, not that we didn't try to space the iPhone 2.0 / App Store news out with some less Jobs-centric filling. There were pet-tormenting insect bots and 12 volt USB power adapters. We observed the 46th birthday of satellite television and looked at a solar power Nissan. We looked at a truly beautiful laptop box. We checked out the first ever Commodore 64 LAN party and his-and-her Wiimote dildos. We even looked at totally stupid weaponry, a naked gyrating Wii Fit beefcake and a vintage 1982 news report on "The Pac-Man".

But Apple, Apple, Apple. Man, did we talk about Apple. You never saw so much Apple! We examined how Apple keeps third-party accessories off market with special licensing fees. We looked at turning your iPhone or iPod Touch into a neat little iTunes remote. We found out how Apple salesmen are supposed to hypnotize you into buying an iPhone. We wondered to do with an old, button-cute indigo iMac G3. We read some ebooks on our iPhone. We wondered which was the better iPhone app: ToDo or To Do? And Joel even spent all afternoon playing with iPhone apps and calling it work.

And the iPhone 3G hasn't even been released yet. Yeesh!
