Recently at Boing Boing Gadgets


Recently at Boing Boing Gadgets, we found the best places to buy the worst gadgets, reviewed D-Link's DSM 330 Medialounge, and wondered how someone can retrospectively patent something and then shake down an entire industry.

Joel wants to know if miniature swamp coolers are any good; Brownlee spotted an Algebraic wall clock that implies its own answers; and Rob found a Tetris pain box.

There was an aluminum lego key chain; 365 free games; emo Qtips; a carbonite George Lucas; and a terrible, awe-inspiring no-console-required controller game knockoff of Guitar Hero..

There's the Ripple, a sort of poor man's Mac Mini; the ornithopter-cam; the spherical PC' and the bad battery life of handheld PCs.

Help Joel pick out a new gaming PC.