Neatorama launches Bit Lit fiction blog

BAFrostbite500.jpgOur pals at Neatorama just launched a new fiction page, Bit Lit:

We're thrilled to announce a new sub-blog we're launching today, BitLit. Bit, as in binary digits, Lit, as in literature! As far as we know, this is unique to the blogosphere in that we'll be serializing entire novels and short stories–even some poetry, many published by major publishers like Random House. Every day, a new chapter until the entire story is complete.

It's launching with chapters of Frostbite; a far-from-routine werewolf tale by David Wellington, and Trivial Pursuits, by David K. Israel and Jennifer Byrne; and something by me, too!

Introducing BitLit: Our New Literary Sub-Blog [Neatorama]

Bit Lit