UW's Open3DP lab is open again

Last month, I wrote about the new patent policy at the University of Washington, which laid claim to patents in all work that the university's staff touched upon. This prompted Open3DP, the world-famous, best-of-breed open 3D printing lab at U Washington, to shut off its public outreach program.

Less than a month later, after many emails to the provost, the policy has been moderated, and Open3DP is once again, well, open.

The UW is supportive of your efforts in founding and leading Open3DP, an open research community around 3D printing. Herein we confirm that:

• with respect to UW policies and practices, you have an ongoing right to administer
Open3DP, and

• UW faculty, staff, and students are free to contribute their work to this open research community under the Creative Commons License model you have chosen.

We also offer you guidance as the open research community grows, to manage related interactions of a more proprietary nature.

Opening Up!

(Thanks, Michael!)