Well-styled vehicle

(Click to embiggen)

Here's a mystery Internet image depicting a vehicle that has been decorated in such a fashion as to inspire equal amounts of fear, awe and admiration. I am delighted.

Update: Oh, my dear sweet Zoroaster, it's for sale. From the comments, Jana Marie Miller writes,

It is the 1986 Ford WOW Van. Sign in other photo says:

The WOW Bus
25 Thousand Pieces $640 Worth of Glue
2000 added pounds – two years and
600 hours to do!
1986 Ford School Bus
GOOP Glue – Buy it at Home Depot
Pieces came from garage sales – the 
Public-dumpsters – garbage cans
Why? cause i am a wacko – Thats 
why in Guinness book – insured for $3.5 
million dollars
For sale – $130 million


(Thanks, Fipi Lele!)