Video: Top 11 chemistry moments in Breaking Bad, with Xeni and Miles

Spoilers! To celebrate the launch of Breaking Bad's Fifth Season, PBS science correspondent Miles O'Brien and I dug into the show's vaults to explore the top 10 chemistry moments in Breaking Bad, from seasons One through Four. Only, there was so much awesome science, we had to choose the 11 top chemistry moments. This video was created in 2012, as the first eight episodes of season 5 were unveiled; now, the final eight episodes of that season — the show's last– have begun to air.

Last night, Mythbusters aired a Breaking Bad special, in which some of these top chemistry moments were explored, and debunked — or affirmed. You've gotta see Adam Savage as Heisenberg.

Also, check out this video of our excellent adventure: air-dropping in to a random Breaking Bad fan's premiere party in the show's hometown of Albuquerque, NM, also in 2012.

Here are the Boing Boing archives of Breaking Bad coverage.

Assembled by Joe Sabia (@joesabia) for Boing Boing.

Previous posts on season 5 of Breaking Bad:

Breaking Bad's final season opens with a flash

How Breaking Bad took us to the breaking point

Having an A-1 day: Breaking Bad day-after audio and video remixes