Blogging History: Obama's cyber hit-list; Ebook piracy and sales data; Broadcast Treaty day 2

One year ago today

Another Top Secret leak: Obama's cyber-war hit-list: Glenn Greenwald and the Guardian have published details of another Top Secret US surveillance/security document. This one is a presidential order from Obama to his top spies directing them to draw up a hit-list of "cyber war" targets to be attacked by American military hacking operations.

Five years ago today

More hard data on the impact of free/pirated downloads on book-sales: Brian F. O'Leary has posted slides updating his quantitative research on the effect of "piracy" and/or free giveaways on book-sales, done independently using data from O'Reilly and Random House (the largest tech publisher and general publisher in the world, respectively).

Ten years ago today
Broadcast Treaty negotiations (day 2/3): We've just wrapped up the second day of Broadcast Treaty negotations at the UN in Geneva, and once again, two colleagues and I took really extensive notes on the proceeding. Brazil and India gave amazing testimony today, and I was able to address the UN on DRM — it was screamingly cool.