Teens' use of social media is significantly shaped by race, class, geography, cultural background

danah boyd responds to A Teenager's View on Social Media (written by an actual teen), pointing out that what white, affluent boys do with social media is not a full account of "how teens use the Internet.

His coverage of Twitter should raise a big red flag to anyone who has spent an iota of time paying attention to the news. Over the last six months, we've seen a phenomenal uptick in serious US-based activism by many youth in light of what took place in Ferguson. It's hard to ignore Twitter's role in this phenomenon, with hashtags like #blacklivesmatter and #IfTheyGunnedMeDown not only flowing from Twitter onto other social media platforms, but also getting serious coverage from major media. Andrew's statement that "a lot of us simply do not understand the point of Twitter" should raise eyebrows, but it's the rest of his description of Twitter that should serve as a stark reminder of Andrew's position within the social media landscape…

…I don't for a second fault Andrew for not having a perspective beyond his peer group. But I do fault both the tech elite and journalists for not thinking critically through what he posted and presuming that a single person's experience can speak on behalf of an entire generation. There's a reason why researchers and organizations like Pew Research are doing the work that they do — they do so to make sure that we don't forget about the populations that aren't already in our networks. The fact that professionals prefer anecdotes from people like us over concerted efforts to understand a demographic as a whole is shameful. More importantly, it's downright dangerous. It shapes what the tech industry builds and invests in, what gets promoted by journalists, and what gets legitimized by institutions of power. This is precisely why and how the tech industry is complicit in the increasing structural inequality that is plaguing our society.

An Old Fogey's Analysis of a Teenager's View on Social Media [danah boyd/The Message]

(Image: Black Lives Matter Black Friday, The All-Nite Images, CC-BY-SA)