Surprise marriage proposal via Magic: The Gathering

Lindsey Loree proposed to her boyfriend by challenging him to a game of Magic: The Gathering into which she inserted a homemade "Proposal" card (she had to sneak a card into her lap to make it work); once he said yes, she gave him a ringpop to seal the deal!

Eric played Time Spiral, a card that forced me to shuffle my hand back into my library. Well, I cheated and placed the proposal card on my lap. No way was I going to risk not drawing it again. Fortunately, at this point I was able to play Mirari's Wake, which doubled my mana, allowing me to play my expensive Sorcery. I laughed and said, "I think I just won the game" and threw the card down. Eric was perplexed for a moment, because he is a long time MtG player and knew all, and I mean ALL, the cards. It took him a moment to read the text, and another moment for realization to dawn upon him.

At this point I could no longer contain my nervousness. I leaned forward, with what I'm sure was a pained expression, and said, "it's OK if you don't want to answer right now. I can wait." Which of course wasn't true at all, but I was so worried that he wasn't ready yet that I couldn't help but offer him a way out. Eric smiled at me, made a few jokes about not wanting to mess his deck up by actually shuffling the two decks together, and then said yes. That was when I finally remembered the last step in my plan. I fumbled to open a Ring Pop package and offered it to him to officially seal the deal.

I was still a nervous wreck for about half an hour, and a bit confused about what to do next. I honestly hadn't planned that far ahead! After my mind calmed down a bit, I finally digested that my plan had worked and that I was truly engaged. We sat down and proceeded to call our families and friends. This was also when I learned that Eric had already confided in his father that he had been planning on proposing soon himself.

How I Proposed to my Boyfriend [Lindsey Loree/Her Story Arc]

A Magic Proposal [Eric/A Geek Critique]

(via Geekologie)