Survivors of CIA torture describe homebrew electric chair used at Afghan black site

Lufti al-Arabi, a Tunisian man who was arrested in Pakistan while studying at university, spent 13 years in the CIA's notorious "Salt Pit" prison (AKA "Detention Site COBALT") in Afghanistan, enduring incredible, crippling torture, before finally being released without charge, comment, or compensation in 2015; in his first interview since his release, he tells Human Rights Watch about the inhumane tortures of the Salt Pit, including some tortures that were apparently omitted from the CIA's suppressed torture report to the US Senate.

Interview with James Mitchell, psychologist credited with designing CIA torture program

Journalist Jason Leopold tells us,

Recently, I conducted a wide-ranging, two hour interview with retired Air Force psychologist James Mitchell, who is credited with being the architect of the CIA's torture program. Mitchell and his partner, Dr. Bruce Jessen, are featured prominently in the Senate Intelligence Committee's report on the CIA's detention and interrogation program.

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This Day in Blogging History: Ohio's illegal debtor's prisons; Red Cross says medical workers helped CIA torturers; 600 quintillion possible spellings of viagra

One year ago today

Widespread, illegal debtors' prisons in Ohio: A new ACLU report called The Outskirts of Hope documents the rise of illegal debtors prisons in Ohio. A majority of municipal and mayors' courts surveyed by the ACLU routinely imprison people for their inability to pay fines, a practice banned in both the US and state constitution. — Read the rest