AT-ATs versus the Olympics

This is the only footage from Sochi that you really need to watch: when the AT-ATs of Russia attacked the skiers, it was sheer, Olympian magic. Watch it now before the IOC exercises its right to humorlessly obliterate anything that interferes with the corporate integrity of its celebration of human potential and indifference to human rights. — Read the rest

Diaper-box AT-AT

Here's Off-Beat Mama's photos show how you can build your own AT-AT out of empty diaper boxes. What a fantastically shitty idea!

I have a dozen nappies boxes sitting around, and recently decided (whether out of a fit of stay-at-home-mum induced anxiety or just total creativity) to make an AT-AT out of them.

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HOWTO make a CAT-AT Star Wars cat-condo

Redditor BillyAppletini surprised a friend with an "Imperial CAT-AT (All-Terrain Armored-Transport)" — a cat-condo/AT-AT walker. His Imgur gallery , which documents the build, has some rudimentary plans as well.

I wouldn't consider myself a great woodworker or an artist – but I will take credit for being committed to a joke.

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