Lessons from Pratchett

A beautiful list, including "[T]he innocent had everything to fear, mostly from the guilty but in the longer term even more from those who say things like 'The innocent have nothing to fear'."

Sending Terry Pratchett home with HTTP headers

In Terry Pratchett's novel Going Postal, an allegory about the creation of an Internet-like telegraph system called "the clacks," workers who die in the line of duty have their names "sent home," by being transmitted up and down the line in the system's signalling layer ("A man is not dead while his name is still spoken").

RIP, Terry Pratchett

Terry Pratchett, a treasure of a writer, a gem of a human being, and a credit to our species, has died, far too soon, at the age of 66.

This Day in Blogging History: Fredric Brown's Mind Thing; Pratchett quilt; Ashcroft v Gilmore begins

One year ago today

The Mind Thing, by Fredric Brown: excellent pulp-era science fiction: The Mind Thing is an alien being (which looks like a turtle shell) that has been banished to Earth for committing crimes on its home planet.

Five years ago today

Terry Pratchett fan-afghan — the Pratchgan: It's a pretty special project and Mr Pratchett seemed to like the blanket. — Read the rest