Boing Boing

Salt Lake City: Saltier Than You Think

Michael writes: "The mayor of Salt Lake City turns out to be a card carrying ACLU Liberal. Former Mormon, gave it up to be a civil rights lawyer. He's got no fans in devout Mormon circles."

Mayor Rocky's public politics extend into his personal life. He boasts that he has ripped "every blade of grass" out of his lawn, so as to not waste water on gardening, and his car is a natural-gas-powered Honda. He is a staunch environmentalist; earlier this week, he cajoled his council into adopting the principles of the Kyoto Accord on greenhouse gas emissions. (When a conservative columnist suggested that this was flaky, the mayor wrote an opinion piece arguing that the columnist "has some weird religious conviction . . . that God gave us this Earth to use up before the Second Coming, which is just around the corner.")



(Thanks, Michael!)

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