Boing Boing

Cracked Magazine is back

Cracked Magazine is publishing again, under the ownership of the Weekly World News's senior editor! Did that little low-budg Alfred E. Neuman clone with the janitor's cap and broom have a name?

He was delighted last week to see Mad raising its cover price from the $2.99 that Cracked charges, suggesting that Alfred E. Neuman's catch phrase change to "What, me greedy?"

"Just when they thought we were gone, they raised their price," he said. "That's why you need competition. We're in business to make kids laugh, not cry. I think it's working.

"This is so classic. Mad hates us. Boy, do they hate us. It's strange. I don't understand it. If your market is healthy, you sell, too. It takes two to play the game.

"I can't worry about them," he added with a laugh. "We are not number two anymore as far as I'm concerned. What – me worry?



(via MeFi)

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