Boing Boing

Greasy kids' stuff trumps Xanadu

Quinn Norton's piece on greasy kids' stuff, Ted Nelson's cantankerous insistence on characterizing the Web as "decorated directories" and matters similar is fantastic.

ted nelson, still not buying in, vs. the web. as with all the old wise white guys, he makes some good points, i think he may be right about the semantic web… and as far as he seems to be confused about what xml is, he would be right. fortunately, xml isn't meant to be used as a new set of hierarchical embedded formats. but it's hard to read his purist view because it doesn't screen wrap. still, joey de villa is right- we must respect our sages, our founders. out here we have so little history and we have to treasure it…. my screen *does* wrap because of ted nelson.



(Thanks, Quinn!)

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