Boing Boing

Teledyne Water Pik review

This guy wrote a very funny epinions review of the Water Pik.

I love my Oral Irrigator. My wife does not. Indeed she despises it with great vehemence. I don't blame her. How many times have I jumped from around a corner and blasted her in the face with a laser of water? Don't think it doesn't hurt either. Does a range of thirty feet with a sniper's aim mean anything to you? "It hurts!" she cries. I've hit her in the eye before. That must have hurt, I admit. But that's why I gave her a pair of Ektelon racquetball goggles.* I tell her, "Ektelon racquetball goggles don't do any good unless you're WEARING them." But she refuses. They sit idly on her dresser. I can see them now.

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