Boing Boing

Weird museums of NYC

Great Village Voice story about oddball museums in New York. My favorite weird-ass museum is the Museo de Criminologia in San Jose, Costa Rica, which has bits of victims of famous crimes (machete-dented brain-pans, severed arms, etc) floating in formaldehyde jars.

A stone's throw away is the singular Freakatorium, El Museo Loco, a classy treasure chest of curiosities belonging to sword swallower Johnny Fox, whose focus is the rich history of America's earliest museums, from P.T. Barnum's American Museum to the Bowery Dime Museums. The walrus penis bone (other penis bones on display: coyote, mink, fox, raccoon) is enough to make you feel you're getting your $5 worth. But then you spy the Jivaro Shrunken Head (it's real, it's the size of a tennis ball); conjoined piglets in a jar; an assload of taxidermy, including a gorgeous zebra head; giant's rings…



(Thanks, Gary!)

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