Boing Boing

Steven Levy's wireless neighbors

After discovering an open wireless net available from his sofa, Steven "Hackers" Levy interviewed lawmen, academics and WiFi activists about the legality and ethics of using open wireless access points.

I downloaded my mail and checked media news on the Web. When I confessed this to FBI agent Bill Shore, he spared the handcuffs. "The FBI wouldn't waste resources on that," he sniffed. Now I know that if it did, it would be hard to argue that I broke a law. What's more, I certainly didn't feel illegal. Because—and this is the point of all that war-driving and -chalking and node-stumbling—when you get used to wireless, the experience feels more and more like a God-given right. One day we may breathe bandwidth like oxygen—and arguing its illegality will be unthinkable.



(Thanks, Steven!)

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