Boing Boing

Burroughs on mind-control

Great William S. Burroughs rant on electronic mind-control: I occassionally get a tinfoil-beanie email from someone who wants to let me know about the voices in his or her head — Burroughs' version of this is dead on. Danny "Guestblogger" O'Brien has a great rant about how these delusions reflect the zeitgeist of the day, and how early Bedlam inmates used to send out notes about Jacobians using mind-control technology to influence the King. Maybe, like Chomskyian "Deep Grammar," there's a hardwired "Deep Paranoia" in the human brain, a collective propensity to believe that sinister forces are exercising remote control over our brains.

Now anyone who has lived for any time in countries like Morocco where magic is widely practiced has probably seen a curse work. I have. However, the curses tend to be hit or miss, depending on the skill and power of the operator and the susceptibility of the victim. And that isn't good enough for the CIA or similar organization: "Bring us the ones that work not sometimes but every time." So what is the logical step forward? TO DEVISE MACHINES THAT CAN CONCENTRATE AND DIRECT PSYCHIC FORCE WITH PREDICTABLE EFFECTS. (See the chapter in the Iron Curtain book on PSYCHIC GENERATORS.) I suggest that what the CIA is or was working on at the top secret Nevada installation may be described as COMPUTERIZED black magic. If curse A doesn't make it, Curse Program B automatically goes into operation and so on.



(via New World Disorder)

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