Boing Boing

EFF Open House Dec. 10

EFF's annual holiday open house is coming up — if you're in San Francisco on December 11, drop by and see our newly expanded office-space at 454 Shotwell St.

No, we're not moving! But we are expanding to include the space next
door. It is now the newest addition to EFF Headquarters. Come
celebrate our new digs and the spirit of the holiday season with us.
We'll have great food, beer, musical madness from the Funkmonsters,
and the latest news on EFF from the ever-compelling John Perry Barlow
and Shari Steele.

This event is free and open to the general public. The Electronic
Frontier Foundation ( is the leading civil
liberties organization working to protect rights in the digital world.
For more information, please see EFF's website.



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