Boing Boing

All I want for Xmas* is a GPX C-3960 CD Portable with MP3 Playback

My friend John Parres, co-founder of the pho digital music discussion list and an incurable gadget junkie, opines on the wonders of the GPX C-3960 CD Portable with MP3 Playback:

$40 on sale last week at Sears. Just bought one for a buddy but need to get
another for myself (or will that be visa versa?)… CD-Rs of different bitrate recordings are not an issue. It seems to play them
all with ease. LCD screen displays id3 tags.

Who needs an iPod when you can burn a disc with 13 hours of music and play it
on a CD-R player that only needs 2 AA rechargable batteries that last 16

It's kind of odd and fun to watch through the translucent clamsell case to see
the disc spin up for 20 seconds and buffer the song into memory then stop
to conserve energy. It also has bass boost, phono out but more importantly
line out so you can plug the player into your super-duper home stereo system or
car stereo via adapter.

Random, shuffle, program, all the good stuff you would expect from a
microprocessor assembled in …. China.

[* suitable for Xmas… or Kwanzaa, Eid ul Fitr, Chanukah, Solstice, Build-a-snowperson-day, whatever.]

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