Boing Boing

vlogging: collaborative online video blogging at

A couple of weeks ago here in LA, I met an innovative documentary filmmaker and digital artist from Holland named Luuk Bouwman whose site is the subject of this story in the French newspaper Liberation. The article is written in French, and describes the site as an "Internet road flick."

Luuk's work is all about vlogging — that's shorthand for video blogging. His tropisms site is a sort of collaborative online travelogue in which participants from all over the world post video snapshots of their experiences traversing the globe. Luuk says:

"[The site] consists of 'crudities': pieces of raw experience, regularly uploaded…it aims at developing an extended version of the conventional weblog, one that allows users to upload visual input such as (streaming-) video-files and pictures as easily as texts. The attitude towards the internet is experiential: mastering equipment and getting the hang of tools comes before writing manifestos. 'Do it yourself' is the site's slogan."

He's also working on a documentary film about Miltos Manetas' neen art movement, which promises to be equally interesting.

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