Boing Boing

LA spoken word event: Reverse Cowgirl reads fiction this Sunday

Susannah "Reverse Cowgirl" Breslin — author, comixxx artist, digerati hottie, and recently vacated BoingBoing guestblogger — will be reading in LA this Sunday night. I'll be there, and look forward to seeing some Angeleno BoingBoing readers in the house! Susannah sez:

"this Sunday evening, the 19th, i will be reading my fiction at Spoken Interludes Vanguard. that's at the Tempest Supper Club, located at 7323 Santa Monica Boulevard in Los Angeles. the buffet dinner, likely served sans burgers and weiners, begins at 6pm and the reading itself starts at 7:15pm. it costs $25 whole smackers to get in. fellow fiction readers include Tori Morsell, Dan Roberts, Eve Wood, Hal Ackerman, and Dani Klein.

i will be reading Hey Doll. i may or may not be saying the word 'penis.'"

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